Re: Add a leading letter to existing column values IF
Hi This answer does depend on the origination of the Project ID numbers. However, assuming you can have some control and do not wish to change the the Orig. Project ID contents, you can add a new col…1 · -
Re: Count a Checkbox and a value
Hi, If you are looking for a count of rows that have both a check box checked AND a '4' in a col. you would do this: =COUNTIFS({Range of the checkbox}, = 1, {Range of the level}, =4) If 4 is actually…1 · -
Re: Using a range of checkboxes for an IF statement
Can you tell more about the sheet where you want the text to be referenced? First thing I thought of was this looks more like a report would solve the problem and you can use the check box as a filte…1 ·